Professor Pork Thumbnail.png

Professor Pork

Client: Professor Pork
Creative Director: Bill Main

Professor Pork, a spunky upstart, is dedicated to bringing you the finest candied bacon with a touch of whimsy and a whole lot of flavor. Their mission, “that gourmet shouldn’t be serious—it should be seriously delicious", played right into my ooey gooey center. So when they contacted me to create a logo and branding I was happier than a pig in mud. In addition to their visual identity, we were able to give them a unique brand voice punctuated by with a playful tone and a nod of sophistication.


Starting with a classic cartoon mascot for a logo, Professor Pork’s branding got off to a solid start. As befitting this funky pork purveyor, the wordmark needed to have appeal all on its own so a font that felt chunky without losing a sense of friendliness was paramount. I added the cute little nostril holes in the O of “PORK” to echo the pig snout of our illustrious Professor.


The geniuses behind Professor Pork appreciated the unique approach to their brand’s playful sophistication.