A little update

Wow! I haven't been updating my blog as regularly as I'd like to. Reason number one is going to be that my wife and I are going to have a baby!!! Cue the fireworks and cymbals crashing. Baby Main is due February 23rd and we're really excited to meet him. It's crazy how much I already love him even though I haven't officially met him. If you're at all interested in hearing more about our joyous news, please go and peruse my wife's WAY more updated and professional blog Sweet Lavender Bake Shoppe

In the meantime, I will try to update some more work here!

I was asked to speak at my old school, Calvary Chapel Bible College, by a good friend and former student. He wanted me to share about life, faith and Art and how those things mingle in the post-social media mayhem-ish world we live in. He teaches an Apologetics class at the school so the students were sharp. Probably much sharper than myself. Nonetheless, it was a really encouraging night and I think it was really fruitful.

In the weeks prior to speaking I was feeling pretty unsure of myself in respect to sharing. The old, "Oh, what do you have to share anyway?" monster kept popping up. It got me thinking some deep thoughts. Now cue Jack Handey.

Anyway, I was thinking a lot about how my struggle to walk in a way that's in line with my faith in Christ and according to God's word is 1. super irritating (I know what I believe but so often fail to live it out) and then 2. most certainly an opportunity for God to show His goodness.

So, although pretty frustrating, the struggle becomes one of the most potent bases for artwork. My sketchbook becomes a place where I can work out questions I'm having or play with ideas I find in scripture. Sometimes, these become finished drawings or paintings, sometimes they just stay rough pencils.

From James 1:5-8