Weird Al print over at the Etsy...

That’s what the kids call it right? The Etsy? Ok, good.
If you’ve been following this here blog, then you may remember that I painted a painting of the incredibly talented and super hilarious “Weird” Al Yankovic a little while ago. If you wanted to, you could see that here. If not, that’s ok…I won’t judge you.
I reworked the image a bit and I am now offering it as a print in my Etsy shop!
I chose to give Al his vintage look back in the new image. This decision is coming partly from my overwhelming obsession with the movie UHF and partly because it just makes the image more “Weird Al-ish.”
At any rate, here it is!

If you are so inclined, and I do recommend it, you can go and purchase a print of this here painting here.